
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Unpopular Opinion - Sens Fans

As a season ticket holder who goes to almost every game, there is one thing that bugs me about going to Sens games...actually, there's more than one - but the others don't happen unless the Leafs or Habs are in town. 

What does bother me, and this is a pretty unpopular opinion, is the Sens fans who complain about how bad the crowds are in Ottawa, how quiet etc...and then they go and start chanting "Leafs Suck" when the Leafs are NOT here.

You know what?  I understand the dislike - I really do cause I share in it.  What I don't understand is why??

I know some find it funny to yell out "Leaf sucks".  You know how it sounds though??  "We Suck".  I was actually asked by someone if that's what was being said - seeing as how the Sens weren't playing that well, maybe they thought the crowd had turned on the team.

First time I heard it - it was funny.  Maybe even the 2nd time, but when all chants with that beat started getting hijacked by "Leafs Suck" - it got pretty annoying and I really don't understand it.

It only serves to give people "proof" that Sens fans are obsessed with the Leafs.  I don't know about you, but I'm really not.  The only time I really care about how the Leafs play is when they play against the Sens...or when a Leaf fan friend bugs me ;)

Why don't you try this?  Instead of cheering against a team that isn't in the building, why not use the energy you have to cheer FOR the Sens and try to encourage them to play better.  How about chanting "Go Sens" instead.  I remember going to games before this all started and it was always chanting FOR our team.  When did that change?

We want great atmosphere in the building.  We want the fans to make noise like when the Sens make the playoffs...each person has to do their part for that.  I actually do cheer "Go Sens" when the other chant breaks out - I wish more people would do that.

Anyway - that's my opinion.  It might not be popular, but it's how I feel.

Use your energy at a hockey game to cheer for your team, encourage them, be that extra man they need on the ice.  Become fans that other teams will be jealous of. :)

Anyway - you might not agree with me - but what's important is that we're Sens fans :)

Til next game :)

Julie / @Flip_4

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